Dual Immersion Academy » Dual Immersion Academy

Dual Immersion Academy

Our students graduate bilingual and biliterate, ready for the 21st-century
global economy. Students achieve high academic proficiency in reading,
writing, and oral communication in two languages; in addition, students build
an understanding and develop an appreciation for linguistic and cultural diversity. 
The MUSD program began as part of a federal Title                                         
VII Grant named Project Hope that was written during
the 1998-1999 school year. The federal government
issued this Foreign Language Acquisition Program
(FLAP) grant in February 1999 and the first program
was placed at La Merced Elementary School (LME).
The first cohort of kindergarteners for the 1999-2000
school year participated in a Two-Way 90/10 Program
Model. The program was named Dual Language
Immersion Program (DLIP). The following year, the
program expanded into Laguna Nueva and Winter
Gardens Elementary Schools. The cohorts continued to
develop through the intermediate schools; in 2005-
2006 at La Merced Intermediate and 2006-2007 at
Montebello Intermediate School. Through the
collaboration of teachers and administrators, as well as
the support of parents, the program continued to
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Our DIA Schools
Miguel Valencia Avatar
Miguel A Valencia
English Learners, Equity, & Innovation
323-887-7900  ext. 2359
Adrienne Kim
EL TOSA, Educational Services
[email protected].ca.us
(323) 887-7900 ext. 2151
Waving Avatar
Sitlaly Martinez
EL TOSA, Educational Services
[email protected]
(323) 887-7900 ext. 2322
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Spanish/English Pamphlets
Mandarin/English Pamphlets