California Common Core State Standards » California Common Core State Standards

California Common Core State Standards

OUR MISSION: To build teacher leadership, broaden our knowledge, and work collaboratively to refine language arts curriculum, instruction, and assessment for the purpose of best meeting our students needs.
The Language Arts Cadres are comprised of teachers from each site K-8 and all grade levels are represented. The purpose of the Cadres is to promote teacher leadership and provide an avenue for shared decision-making regarding the MUSD language arts program.
The Cadres meet once a month after school to learn about the California Common Core State Standards (CCCSS) and to work on various projects within the language arts content area for revisions, refinement, and alignment to CCCSS.
Topics include: CCCSS, benchmark assessments, selecting priority standards, aligning writing prompts and rubrics, aligning instructional guides, creating student friendly CCCSS writing rubrics and student friendly standards. Other work will evolve with our transition as we progress with the implementation of CCCSS.
Common Core State Standards Overview